The environment which rock climbing takes place in often acts as a reminder itself for the need of safety. No matter whether it is an indoor or outdoor climb, distance is involved, and a fall can be fatal. Some standard safety rules must be followed.
The gear used for rock climbing serves two purposes. It allows the climber to be able to do the manoeuvres they need by way of support. Then, it is there to protect them. Every climber will say that a good safety measure is to have a backup.
Check and Double Check
Harnesses need to be checked. Getting into a habit of doing it more than once will decrease the chance that this is forgotten. The same applies to knot checking.
Do Not Forget the Helmet
Rock climbers often get caught up in inspecting so much of the other equipment that they forget one of the most essential pieces of equipment there is, which is the helmet.
Part of being on top of rock climbing safety is getting adequately trained. As part of the training, it includes all the safety measures which go with this sport.