Rock climbing is an excellent sport because it gets the adrenaline pumping while pushing people to their physical limits. It is a fun way to improve strength and endurance. There is no age limit when it comes to rock climbing. However, beginners should bear a few things in mind so that they get the most out of their experience.
Get a Reputable Instructor
An instructor will teach beginners everything they need to know about climbing. This will include safety and general basics. Therefore, it is essential to find someone who knows what they are talking about. It is always best to find an instructor who has a high level of experience and a track record when it comes to both climbing and training.
Wear the Appropriate Clothing
Clothes should be light but also protective. The weather will undoubtedly play a critical role, so knowing the forecast is useful. Shoes are by far the most essential item of clothing a climber will possess. Beginners should search online for the best shoes to buy and make sure they get the right size.
Protective Gear is Essential
Despite the numerous fun aspects of climbing, it can also be hazardous. Death and serious injury can occur if a fall is bad enough. For this reason, climbers need to use safety gear, especially helmets. It is also recommended that safety ropes are used.
Practice Indoors
Before trying out natural rock faces, it is a good idea to practice indoors. In recent years, there has been a surge in the number of indoor climbing facilities. They allow people to try out the sport in a safe and supervised environment. This is undoubtedly also a useful way to gauge skill levels.
Know the Limits
It can be tempting to climb as steep a rock face as possible. However, climbers need to recognise the importance of progression. Everyone is limited by their skill level, and this is not a bad thing. Being aware of which climbs are too tricky, will allow people to avoid getting into dangerous situations.
Do Not Fear Falling
One of the primary reasons which explains why people avoid rock climbing is because they are afraid of falling. The fact is, that failure is an integral part of learning and advancing. Practically all climbers have fallen at some point in their lives. Thanks to modern safety measures, this does not have to end in injuries. Falling teaches climbers about mistakes, and how not to make them in the future.
Partner Up
It is recommended that all rock climbers use the buddy system. While one person advances up the cliff face, the other can keep them hoisted, check for hazards and ensure the rope is secure. Partnering is now one of the most common forms of rock climbing.